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How to Understand Diamond Colour - Decoding the 4Cs Part 2

How to Understand Diamond Colour - Decoding the 4Cs Part 2

Oval Bezel Solitaire Engagement Ring - A.JAFFE

In part #1 of our series on the 4Cs of a diamond, we discussed the concept of “cut” in great detail. In this article, let us talk about the concept, importance, and role of the “color” of a diamond and how it plays a massive role in establishing the quality of the stone.

For those who really care, hues can make or break a product, especially when it comes to fine jewelry. A specific hue can often represent an entire story, whisper a ballad, or create intrigue like nothing else possibly can. Rarity, fire, structure, sparkle, and brilliance are terms that we often use to describe precious gemstones, but they get a whole new meaning when the discussion comes around to diamonds.

One of the most fascinating and defining aspects of any diamond is its color. While it may be something that you take for granted, the color of a diamond, which is one of the 4Cs, is actually one of the strongest facets that establishes the visual appeal and aesthetic of the stone. Whether you wish to design your own masterpiece with our customized diamond rings or choose from our elaborate selection of beautiful engagement rings, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the concept of “diamond color.”

What?! Aren’t Diamonds Colorless?

Yes, they are colorless in layman terms, but the truth about diamonds is that they have certain variations and hues that lend themselves to making these precious gemstones shine and shimmer in subtly different ways.

What Kind of Hues Are We Talking About Here?

Absolutely colorless diamonds, stones with regal hues of blue, diamonds with shades of red, and those that have warmer tints in the yellow-orange spectrum are just a few examples of the hues that a variety of diamonds may have. Structural imperfections or natural inconsistencies in a diamond are often attributed to its ability to be colorless or colorful.

How Does Color Play a Role in Defining the Diamond’s Quality?

While the quality of diamonds is typically gauged on the basis of how dazzling they are, there is more to it than just the dazzle that is visible to the naked eye. A diamond, in essence, is assessed on how well it is able to reflect light and this particular facet can be attributed to its color characteristics. In technical terms, labs like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) tend to grade the color of a diamond on a scale that goes from colorless to yellowish-brown, or D to Z. You may also find fancy colored diamonds that go beyond the Z range, but these are rare to come by (and therefore considered a luxury).


If a diamond comes with a D (colorless) grading, it basically means that the stone can easily capture and reflect or refract light, allowing it to shine brighter than other grades or qualities. So, in terms of the ability to reflect light (which is a massive criterion when assessing diamond quality), the closer a diamond comes to the D-E-F grades, the better it is.

Seeking the Perfect Diamond for Your Special Ring

If you are on the lookout for that perfect diamond engagement ring or wedding band, it is important that you understand how the color of the diamond can play a defining role in its price. A colorless diamond may appear absolutely stunning but if it goes beyond your budget cap, it is not the ideal stone for you.

Another crucial factor for choosing the right diamond color is the base metal that will hold it in place. It is essential that you choose a diamond color and base metal that complement each other instead of one of the two sticking out like a sore thumb.

White Gold Round Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring - A.JAFFE

And last, but not the least, it will always help to consult a jewelry expert to understand the intricacies and subtleties of the stone you choose. Your jeweler might recommend a ring style or design based on the diamond you choose or the other way around. Keep your options open, so you get the best of both worlds!

In fact, with rings that feature more than one diamond, you can even experiment with a variety of stones if you are the experimental kind.

Discover our exquisite collection of three stone diamond rings here.

In conclusion, all we would like to say is that while you might pay a lot of attention to the cut, clarity, and carat weight of your diamond, it is important to not overlook the color aspect because it contributes heavily to the physical appearance of your ring.

Experience the Luxury of A.JAFFE Diamond Engagement Rings

Whether you fancy the snow-white transparency of a colorless diamond or are drawn towards the spellbinding hues of a colored gemstone, you will find it all right here at A.JAFFE. For over 120 years, A.JAFFE has been synonymous with premium jewelry design that is studded with exquisite gemstones.

Ethically sourced and certified by the GIA, our diamonds come in an array of options – from colorless stones to colored beauties. We understand the minutiae of the stones and metals that our skilled artisans work with and that puts us in a great position to help your ring selection process a tad bit easier.

We extend lifetime warranty on all our products, so you never have to worry about any potential aftersales service, polishing, or repairs that your chosen ring may need in the future. Our rings are handcrafted to perfection and hand-polished to ensure that you get nothing less than the most exquisitely made ring ever!

With different types of ring settings, a wide variety of designs and styles, and world-class craftsmanship at play, rest assured that you will find the ring of your dreams at A.JAFFE. We also take immense pride in offering a high degree of customization (for those who want it). With 10 stringent quality checkpoints in place and ring designs created by the world’s best craftsmen, this is your one-stop shop for all luxury bridal jewelry.

Shop online or visit an exclusive A.JAFFE retailer near you today!

In the next part of our series on the 4Cs of diamonds, we will discuss the importance and role of “clarity” and how it defines a diamond’s visual appeal. Stay tuned!