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Mapping Her Moment: Cara of Cara Loren

Mapping Her Moment: Cara of Cara Loren

Mapping Her Moment: Cara of Cara Loren

Full NameCara Loren Van Brocklin

Blog: Cara Loren

Current Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Mapping Her Moment: Cara of Cara Loren

Tell us about your map.  This necklace is a map of the house I grew up in since I was a baby. 

Tell us about the message engraved on the reverse side of your Map Necklace.  I got a cute little saying that means a lot to me and my family.

What does this Map signify?  I lived in this home for almost 20 years and nowhere will ever feel more like my home than that house. My parents are actually trying to sell the home now, and I am pretty heart broken about it. This necklace will always represent that home, and it will have a very special place in my heart.

Mapping Her Moment: Cara of Cara Loren